Subject: ABox v1.8 Author: george (ty) tempel Uploaded By: Netromancr Date: 8/9/1995 File: ABox.v1.8.sit (368528 bytes) Estimated Download Time (60658 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 353 Equipment: Any Mac (color preferred) Needs: CodeWarrior 6.1 Keywords: TOPSOFT TOP SOFT ABOUT BOX LIBRARY: MDV/Developer Source Code/C++ KEYWORDS: TOPSOFT TOP SOFT ABOUT BOX Hi all... The 'collective' of TopSoft Inc., a not-for-profit software programming group, is proud to announce the first public release of the ABox, also known as TSAbout, available for use within your non-commercial applications (be sure to read the license that comes with the ABox software, and all other TopSoft software packages). We wanted to come up with something that no-one had ever really seen or done befor